Submit Abstracts

Submission closed.


Abstracts should be submitted as PDF files (U.S. letter or A4) with at most a 6.5 by 9 inch text area in at least an 11 point font. All abstracts should be in English.

The cover page should contain the title, author(s) names and affiliations, keywords, track (Open Problems or Research Abstracts), and contact author email. Since the text is a short abstract, please do not include a separate abstract within the abstract.

A two page description (exclusive of cover page, references, figures, tables, and datasets) should follow. For the Algorithmic Biology Open Problems track, please see the track description for required elements in the two page description.

References should follow the description. Figures and tables may be placed at the end, or may be integrated into the text, as long as the text comprises at most two pages. The cover page, references, figures, and tables do not count towards the two pages; however, they should not be used to circumvent the intent of the size limit. There is no provision for appendices or supplementary material.


Manuscripts should be submitted through the EasyChair link (here) on the conference website by April 27, 2012.

Manuscripts will be refereed by the program committee. Notifications will be given by email on or before May 18, 2012.

Authors of selected papers in each track will be invited to present their papers at RECOMB-AB either as a short talk or as a poster.

Authors who are invited to participate in the Open Problems in Algorithmic Biology project should submit their final abstract in LaTeX or Word format by June 15, 2012. A single article combining all the open problems will be sent to the Journal of Computational Biology.