We are happy to announce that we have just released new SPAdes 3.7.0. This version includes metaSPAdes metagenomic pipeline and many other improvements and fixes.
Please note that SPAdes is not intended for large genomes (e.g. mammalian size genomes). Should you decide to use SPAdes for a larger genome, please be aware that you are doing it at your own risk.
SPAdes version 3.7.0 is released under GPLv2 and openly available for download from http://bioinf.spbau.ru/en/
Your comments, bug reports, and suggestions are very welcomed. They will help us to further improve SPAdes. If you have any troubles running SPAdes, please provide us with the files params.txt and spades.log from the output directory. Address for communications: spades.support@bioinf.spbau.ru