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Yana Safonova


Email: safonova (dot)
  • 2012 - present. St. Petersburg University of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, PhD student
  • 2010 - 2012. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Faculty, Department of Computer Aided Research, MSc in Applied Informatics 
  • 2006 - 2010. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Faculty, Department of Computer Aided Research, BSc in Applied Informatics
Teaching experience:
  • 2014. Genome Assembly. Saint Petersburg Academic University, Department of Mathematics and Information Technology

  • 2013. Algorithms in Bioinformatics. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Faculty, Department of Bioinformatics.

  • Supervision of student projects in Bioinformatics Institute

Publications & Talks:
Important papers:
  • Yana Safonova, Stefano Bonissone, Eugene Kurpilyansky, Ekaterina Starostina, Alla Lapidus, Jeremy Stinson, Laura DePalatis, Wendy Sandoval, Jennie Lill and Pavel A. Pevzner. IgRepertoireConstructor: a novel algorithm for antibody repertoire construction and immunoproteogenomics analysis. Bioinformatics, June 2015, 31(12), pp. i53-i61 [online]
  • M.A. Baranova, M.D. Logacheva, A.A. Penin, V.B. Seplyarskiy, Y.Y. Safonova, S.A. Naumenko, A.V. Klepikova, E.S. Gerasimov, G.A. Bazykin, T.Y. James, A.S. Kondrashov. Extraordinary genetic diversity in a wood decay mushroom.  Mol Biol Evol. 2015 Jul 10. pii: msv153 [online]
  • Yana Safonova, Alla Lapidus, and Jennie Lill. IgSimulator: a versatile immunosequencing simulator. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv326. Bioinformatics. 2015 [online]
  • Yana Safonova, Anton Bankevich, Pavel A. Pevzner. dipSPAdes: an assembler for highly polymorphic diploid genomes (extended version). Journal of Computational Biology, June 2015, 22(6). pp. 528-45 [online]  
  • Yana Safonova, Anton Bankevich, Pavel A. Pevzner. dipSPAdes: an assembler for highly polymorphic diploid genomes. In Sharan, Roded (eds.) RECOMB 2014, LNCS (8394). pp. 265-279. Springer, Heidelberg (2014) [online]


Posters and talks:

  • Yana Safonova, Alexander Shlemov, Ekaterina Starostina, Andrey Bzikadze, Alla Lapidus, Pavel A. Pevzner. IgTools: a toolkit for analysis of antibody repertoire from immunosequencing and mass spectra data. Poster on Immunogenomics 2015. Huntsville, USA [pdf]
  • IgRepertoireConstructor: a novel algorithm for antibody repertoire construction and immunoproteogenomics analysis. Talk on ISMB/ECCB 2015. Dublin, Ireland.
  • Yana Safonova, Ekaterina Starostina, Alexander Shlemov. IgTools: a toolkit for construction of antibody repertoire using immunosequencing data. Poster on ISMB/ECCB 2015. Dublin, Ireland [pdf]
  • dipSPAdes: assembler for highly polymorphic diploid genomes. Talk on RECOMB 2014. Pittsburgh, USA.
  • Alla Lapidus, Dmitry Antipov, Anton Bankevich, Alexey Gurevich, Anton Korobeynikov, Sergey Nurk, Andrey D. Prjibelski, Yana Safonova, Irina Vasilinetc, and Pavel Pevzner. New Frontiers of Genome Assembly with SPAdes 3.0. Poster on JGI User Meeting 2014, Walnut Creek, USA [pdf]
  • Yana Safonova, Alexey Kondrashov, Maria Logacheva, Aleksey Penin and Anton Bankevich. NGS assembly of highly polymorphic diploid genomes. Poster on RECOMB 2013. Beijing, China [pdf]



  • Gergel V.P., Barkalov K.A., Meerov I.B., Sysoev A.V., Bastrakov S.I., Bogolepov D.K., Donchenko R.V., Kozinov E.A., Kustikova V.D., Malova A.Y., Safonova Y.Y., Sidnev A.A.. Parallel calculus. Technologies and numerical analysis. Tutorial. 2013. NNSU Publ.
Scientific interests:
bioinformatics, immunoinformatics, computational genomics, graph theory, software engineering


My detailed CV is available here.



Стажировки 2013

Прием заявок завершен, но он вновь откроется следующей весной!


Мы ищем талантливых и мотивированных кандидатов для прохождения летней стажировки.


В настоящее время биоинформатика является одним из наиболее интенсивно развивающихся научных направлений.

Эта тенденция в полной мере находит отражение и в Санкт-Петербурге: появляется все больше лабораторий, стартапов и филиалов международных компаний, деятельность которых неразрывно связана с биоинформатикой.


Если Вы:

  • Разбираетесь в алгоритмах.
  • Умеете и любите программировать.
  • Имеете хорошую математическую подготовку.
  • Хотите заниматься интересными прикладными задачами.


То мы готовы предложить:

  • Достойную стипендию.
  • Дружный молодой коллектив.
  • Общежитие для иногородних.


Занятость полная, продолжительность 2 месяца.


Administrative support

The lab couldn't even exist without administrative and moral support of the university administration:


Member of the Academy

Zhores Alferov


Corresponding member of the Academy

Michail Dubina


Doctor of science

Alexander Omelchenko

vice-president (education)



RECOMB 2013 is an international conference on research in computational biology, that has been held in Beijing, China, April 7-19, 2013.
At the conference, we have presented
a talk on genome assembly from highly chimeric reads:
  • Sergey Nurk, Anton Bankevich, Dmitry Antipov, Alexey Gurevich, Anton Korobeynikov, Alla Lapidus, Andrey Prjibelsky, Alexey Pyshkin, Alexander Sirotkin, Yakov Sirotkin, Ramunas Stepanauskas, Jeffrey McLean, Roger Lasken, Scott Clingenpeel, Tanja Woyke, Glenn Tesler, Max Alekseyev, and Pavel Pevzner. Assembling Genomes and Multigenomes from Highly Chimeric Reads. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7821, 2013.
posters on different topics:

Lab Members

Pavel Pevzner

Leading Scientist


Alla Lapidus

Associate Director for Genomics

Kira Vyatkina

Associate Director for Proteomics

Pjibelski Andrey

Andrey Prjibelsky


Dmitry Antipov


Anton Bankevich


Alexey Gurevich



Anton Korobeynikov



Sergey Nurk



Yana Safonova


Vladislav Saveliev








Conferences that have been hosted by Lab:

  1. First RECOMB Satellite Conference on Open Problems in Algorithmic Biology (RECOMB-AB), August 2729 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia
  2. Fourth RECOMB Satellite Conference on Bioinformatics Education (RECOMB-BE), August 26 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia



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